Fresh Products:
Shipping rates are based on overnight service provided by FedEx. Please note some shipping locations will not have overnight shipping capabilities as our product arrives on Fridays from Hawaii. If Saturday delivery is available, then it can be shipped. Generally, in East Coast Cities (Eastern Time Zone Cities) if overnight shipping is desired, the product will be FRESH Frozen and sent. Please select East Coast when shipping to East of Rookies) & Alaska.
USPS is not allowed for Perishable Items. If you select USPS for Perishable items you will be asked to revise shipping selection before items are sent out.
Special orders of 25 lbs can be sent overnight if shipped mid-week (Shipped direct from suppliers) Shipping rates will be calculated
If a product is needed by a specific date, please indicate that via E-mail to us.
Because our suppliers are small family own, there are times when products will not be available due to production schedule or availability of the product. We will advise you when that happens by e-mail.
Special Bulk order rates are available. Please inquire via e-mail.
Artist/Crafter Fulfillment and Shipping:
Fulfillment of items purchased as well as shipping will be done by the artist/Crafter directly.
We do not have a store location. We can be found at local Hawaiian Festivals and Gatherings in Southern California, Nevada, and Arizona. Please sign up for our e-mail notifications and specials.